Archive for January, 2010

macMacDevs[49] = Glasgow_Ad_Lib

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

It was good of Steve to arrange for their little announcement to be the day before macMacDev Glasgow so that we would have plenty to talk about!

macMacDevs[49] will be held at Ad Lib, Ingram Street, Glasgow on Thursday 28 January 2010, from 19:00 to whenever.

Turn up, talk code, eat, drink, talk about the you-know-what.

If you’re planning on coming along, please let me know via Twitter (@pyrusmalus), or email

macMacDevs[48] = Aberdeen_Kilau

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Just in time for some last-minute speculation before next week’s Apple Media Event, it is MacMacDev Aberdeen!

macMacDevs[48] will be held at Kilau Coffee, 9A Little Belmont Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1JG, on Thursday 21 January 2010, from 18:30 until whenever.

Turn up, talk code, show off your latest iPhone and Mac applications.

If you’re planning on coming along, please let me know – or @pyrusmalus

macMacDevs[47] = Edinburgh_Mezz

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

2010 already! And what better way to start the New Year than with an informal Edinburgh macMacDev? Park your flying cars (we all have them now, don’t we?) and talk about Mac and iPhone stuff.

macMacDevs[47] will be held at Mezz, 49-51 London Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6LX, on Thursday 14 January 2010, from 19:00 until whenever.

Turn up, talk code, try not to mention the t-word (or s-word) too often.

If you’re planning on coming along please let me know – or @pyrusmalus