macMacDevs[100] = Edinburgh_Mezz

MacMacDev turns 100! Okay, so technically it’ll be the 101st meeting, and it isn’t as nice a number as, say, 42 or 128, but it is an extra digit in decimal, and we’ve got a long way to go before we get to four digits…

macMacDev[100] will be held at Mezz, 49-51 London Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6LX, on Thursday 14 July 2011, from 19:00 until whenever.

Turn up, talk code, celebrate our centenary!

If you’re planning on coming along, please let me know – or @pyrusmalus

Note that the iCal calendar isn’t sharing due to a certain OS update, and also that posting to the mailing list may be disabled; I’ll try and get both fixed by the 200th macMacDev…

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