“iPhone Application Development” @ Apple Store Glasgow
Just updated on the schedule of events for Apple Store Glasgow is my “iPhone Application Development” talk: Tuesday 2 December 2008, 5:00pm-6:00pm.
I’m going to go through the steps involved in writing a (very!) simple iPhone application to give newcomers to the platform – or those who are just keen to see what goes on behind the scenes – an overview of what’s involved. We’ll race through Xcode and Interface Builder, and hopefully get an application that will run on the iPhone, even though the chances of it ever being accepted for the App Store are zero. (For those who were at the Apple iPhone Tech Talk think of my talk as being the exact opposite of their approach…)
Following that we’ll have a panel-discussion – the general consensus was that the panel we had for the Cocoa Development talk was extremely worthwhile – which will give people an opportunity to talk code with other developers.
So I’m looking for volunteers to take part in the Q&A part and shamelessly plug their own apps! If you’re interested in helping me out please let me – david at macmacdev dot come – know.
December 8th, 2008 at 1:25 am
David i wish to have a copy of the weather app Presentation that you showed me at Apple Buchanan Street Glasgow
And Can i get Davids email address
December 8th, 2008 at 2:13 pm
I’ll try and put the presentation online at some point. You can contact me: david at macmacdev dot com.